The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the most important financial aid form you will need to complete. It is important to use the most accurate information as possible when completing your FAFSA since the information you report is used by the Department of Education and 热博体育官网 to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and eligibility for federal, 国家和机构基于需求的奖励.



  1. 完成在线. The fastest most efficient way to file your FAFSA is online at the federal 政府ernment’s secure FAFSA website,
  2. Complete the FAFSA over the phone with a Department of Education counselor at 1-800-433- 3243 (TTY Line for Hearing impaired is 1-800-730-8913).
  3. 填写并邮寄纸质申请. 不建议使用此选项,可能需要几周的时间来处理, 从而推迟了授予程序.

FAFSA申请是针对学年的, 因此,您需要确保您正在填写正确版本的应用程序. 新的FAFSA申请将于1月初在网上开放. 如有热博体育官网完成哪个年份/版本的问题,请联系mcn金融服务.



  • 法定全称
  • 出生日期
  • 社会安全号码
  • 公民身份-(仅限美国.S. 公民、永久居民和某些签证持有人有资格填写FAFSA。
  • 邮寄地址
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 驾驶执照(可选)

为了让MCCN将你的FAFSA信息与你的大学记录相匹配, 你名字的拼写, 你的出生日期和你的FAFSA上的社会保障必须与卡梅尔山系统中列出的相符. 如果有差异, you will need to resolve any conflicting information to ensure that your FAFSA data can be processed appropriately.


The information you need to include on your FAFSA depends upon whether you are considered a dependent or independent student. 受抚养的学生需要在FAFSA上提交父母一方或双方的信息. 独立学生不需要提交家长信息. 但是,已婚的独立学生需要提交配偶的信息.

您的依赖状态取决于您对FAFSA上的依赖问题的回答. It is extremely important that you answer the dependency questions correctly as it has a significant impact on the financial aid you can receive.

You will be considered an independent student if you must meet one of the following criteria as determined by the Department of Education:

  • 在日历年开始时,您至少年满24岁
  • 你目前已婚
  • 在即将到来的一年里,你是或将是研究生或专业(医学或法律)的学生
  • 你是个老兵
  • 你们是现役军人
  • 你的孩子有超过50%的经济支持来自你
  • 你的家属从你那里获得超过50%的经济支持
  • 你是个孤儿
  • 你是法庭上的证人
  • 你的法定监护人不是你的亲生父母或养父母。
  • 你是法院认定的被解放的未成年人
  • 在你18岁之前,你被认为有无家可归的危险


如果所有依赖性问题的答案都是否定的, then you are considered a dependent student and must provide information about your parents on the FAFSA. If you answered no to all of the dependency questions but have special circumstances that prevent you from providing information about your parents, 你需要联系财务援助办公室来讨论你的情况.


如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你必须在你的FAFSA上提供你父母的信息. 下面列出了一些场景:

  • Parents are married; provide information on both parents.
  • Parents are divorced or separated and still living in the same home; provide information on both parents.
  • Parents are divorced or separated; provide information on your custodial parent. 你的监护人是指你将和你一起生活超过50%的学年的父母. 如果你愿意和父母双方住同样长的时间, provide information on the parent that provided more than 50% of your financial support in the past year.
  • Parents are divorced and re-married; provide information on your custodial parent AND your step-parent
  • Parent is widow or single; provide information on your custodial parent only.


The FAFSA requires that you provide tax and other financial information for yourself and your parents (if you are a dependent student) or your spouse (if you are married).

The online FAFSA application provides a helpful tool that allows you to ensure the accuracy of the tax information you are providing in a faster, 更高效的方式. The IRS Data Retrieval Tool provides you and your parents or spouse the ability to have your prior year's tax information transferred directly to the FAFSA, 而不需要你自己手动输入信息. Mount Carmel strongly recommends that you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to ensure the accuracy of the information you are reporting.

如果您不使用或无法使用IRS数据检索工具, you will need to collect the following documentation for all individuals you are reporting information for:

  • 上一年的纳税申报表
  • 上年度的W2s(雇主的年终工资表)


  • 截至您提交FAFSA当月的投资价值和银行账户
  • 从军队或神职人员领取的住房和生活津贴
  • 非教育类退伍军人福利
  • 收到或支付的子女抚养费
  • 支付延税养老金
  • 免税收入
  • 收到的现金或以您的名义支付的账单

The online FAFSA application provides helpful hints and information for how to retrieve all information requested. You can also contact a FAFSA representative if you have any difficulty completing your application at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).


  1. You will need to provide the 热博体育官网 Federal School Code in order for your FAFSA to be received and processed by the College. MCCN的校规是 030719. 如果你在另一所大学就读或已经完成了FAFSA, 但最初并没有列出卡梅尔山的校规, 你需要用卡梅尔山的学校代码更新你的申请.
  2. You will also need to sign your FAFSA in order for the Department of Education to process it and send the information to MCCN. 如果你是一个独立的学生, 那么你的FAFSA上列出的父母之一也需要在申请表上签名. 如果你在网上填写表格, 您和您的父母可以使用您的密码以电子方式签署FAFSA.


The Department of Education typically takes 3-5 business days to fully process your FAFSA once you have submitted a complete application. 一旦你的FAFSA被完全处理, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) that will indicate any issues with your application and your potential next steps. If there are any errors or issues that you need to resolve you will need to follow the instructions listed on the SAR to correct them. 在你的SAR上报告的信息也会被发送到你在FAFSA上列出的学校. Mount Carmel护理学院应该在你收到SAR的同时收到你的FAFSA数据. Your Student Aid Report will also include your Expected Family Contribution as calculated by the Department of Education.


The Department of Education uses the information you provide on your FAFSA to calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your EFC is the amount of your educational costs the 政府ernment has determined you and your family can afford to pay either out-of-pocket or through various financing options.

Your EFC is listed as a numerical value on your Student Aid Report and is transmitted to all of the schools listed on your application along with the rest of your FAFSA data. Mount Carmel uses your EFC to determine the amount of your financial need and eligibility for need-based funding.

It is important to remember that your EFC is not necessarily the amount you will owe to the College or the overall amount your education will cost. An EFC is only an estimate of the amount of your family's contribution and can be different from your final bill or amount of in-direct costs, 这取决于你的经济需要有多少被提供给你的经济援助所覆盖.


每年你计划继续在MCCN学习,你都需要完成FAFSA. 这个过程被称为更新FAFSA. The online FAFSA application automatically saves your demographic information from prior years and allows you pull this information into your new FAFSA application, 减少你需要回答的问题数量. 当您登录FAFSA网站时,将向您显示使用此功能的选项.


你应该在每个学年的10月1日之后尽快完成你的FAFSA, 热博体育官网的FAFSA申请优先截止日期为3月15日. 在该日期之后,您仍然可以完成FAFSA, 但重要的是要注意,俄亥俄州的申请截止日期是10月1日.







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